Sellaronda Bike Day Sellaronda Bike Day - Corvara
2 dates
from Saturday, 7 June 2025
to Saturday, 13 September 2025
+39 0471 836176,
More information about:
Sellaronda Bike Day Corvara Hotels CorvaraDescription
No registration is needed, and there’s no set starting point—just follow the route counterclockwise and enjoy the experience. The traffic-free roads around the Sella Group offer a unique thrill: cycling in the peaceful embrace of the Dolomites.
The tour covers 53 km with a total elevation gain of 1,600 meters, but everyone is free to set their own pace, take breaks, or stop at any time.
The event will take place on June 7th and September 13th, with road closures from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
During the event, photos and videos may be taken for documentation and promotional purposes. These recordings may be used and published on websites, social networks, and media channels in compliance with privacy regulations.
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