Sunday 27 July 21:15 - 22:30
Sunday 24 August 21:15 - 22:30

Concert: classical and sacred music


Beginning: 21:15

End: 22:30

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2 dates
from Sunday, 27 July 2025
to Sunday, 24 August 2025


Corvara, parish church
Tourism office Corvara-Colfosco,
+39 0471 836176,
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Classical and sacred music concert with the string ensemble from Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto conducted by Guido Freschi.

The string ensemble is a musical group made up of established concert performers.
The varying number of members, led by first violinist Guido Freschi, in the dual role of soloist and conductor, allows for a wide-ranging exploration of contemporary musical literature.

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